
One night me and the family were playing a handheld electronic game called Catch Phrase. It was a whole bunch of us, around 12 people or so. Anyways, we were in the process of digging the trenches for our sprinkler system in the front yard and we had a pond with some Koi fish andContinue reading “Raccoon!”

Turn Off The Water

I worked at several different tech support centers. This is the story from one of them. One day I got a call. It was a common error that about 70% of people usually called in about so I wasn’t thinking much of it. The woman had explained she was getting the error on the TVContinue reading “Turn Off The Water”

One Time In The Snow…

Okay so it didn’t happen in the snow per say, but it was snowing 😂…Anyways 🥴 One morning I woke up, saw the beautiful snow falling and decided to wake and bake (I know I know… how terribly awful…). I drove to work and knew I wanted to smoke a little more before I wentContinue reading “One Time In The Snow…”